Villa India Product Portfolio


NewTom GiANO HR covers any and every need of a user, right from a mid range FOV for dental evaluaon to the maximum FOV for complete
craniofacial assessment and the cervical region.

GiANO HR offers maximum flexibility by offering 3 variants namely Prime (10 x 8 cm FOV), Advanced (13 x 16 cm FOV) and Professional (16×18 cm FOV), with the opon of with and without ceph.


NewTom innovaon and research for extremely detailed ultra-high quality images.

Precise, perfectly defined FOVs ranging from 4 x 4 to 16 x 18 cm. ApT technology and teleradiographic funcon for high contrast, finely detailed images.

Ongoing research and innovaon have produced this device made up of innovative hardware technology and exclusive reconstrucon algorithms.

Low- dose protocols, SafeBeam™ technology and servo – assisted alignment to protect paent health.

NNT, the powerful imaging soware with specialist interfaces and tools, userfriendly workflow and online assistance.

Prime version (10 x 8 cm FOV)

GiANO HR Prime is ideal for the dental applicaon related to endodoncs, prosthodoncs, orthodoncs and implantology. The 10 x 8 cm FOV covers both maxilla & mandible from ramus to ramus, sinus to chin for adult / child scans. It also has 4 different FOVs for covering the correct region of interest with lowest necessary radiaon.

Advanced version

Adding to the Prime’s capability, GiANO HR Advanced can cover complete airways, zygomac region, frontal sinuses and auditory canal. It’s FOV can also be ulised in trauma and oral surgery and orthogenec cases.

Professional version

As the name suggests GiANO HR Professional sasfies all your professional needs. With a 16 x 18 cm FOV you can explore the applicaons of ENT and cervical region diagnoses as well. This volume allows the user to do 3D orthodonc and orthognathic planning.

GiANO HR comes in two variant: with cephand and without ceph. GiANO HR without ceph can perform

adult PAN (standard and eco), child PAN, denon, bitewings

Temporomandibular joint (2 x LL + 2 x PA) with mouth open and closed

PA and LL maxillary sinuses (right and le)

This addion allows ceph acquision in lateral, AP – PA mode and also carpus scan

Thirteen FOV opons from 6×6 cm to 16×18 cm for various applicaons including complete examinaon of the 2 arches in a single scan for adults and children with reduced collimaon. Studies of the maxillary region with maxillary sinuses. Studies localised to region of interest.

Mul PAN Imaging (ApT)

The Mul PAN mode generates a set of 5 radiographic images from a single scan; hence, the best panoramic view can be chosen for the diagnosc needs of the examinaon. This funcon is essenal for the study of complex morphologies. Auto adapve panoramic imaging with ApT (Auto adapve picture Treatments) technology provides automac opmal focus of front roots, adapng to the paent and improving quality in all anatomical areas in a dedicated manner.

Advanced Kinemacs

A highly synchronized kinemacs structured around a rotary moon and two simultaneous translator movements, for purposes of a constant enlargement of all the projecons. The opmized focal layer follows the morphology of the focus and a universe of high definion details.

SafeBeam™ Technology

The NewTom unit automacally adapts exposure according to the paents morphology eliminang any risk of overesmated dosage. Emission parameters no longer need to be set manually. The device can complete scans in just 6.6 seconds, achieving minimum paent exposure.

PC Scout Control

The two Scout View images, combined with servo-assisted alignment technology, offer the operator a guided procedure to obtain correct posioning of the paent, while guaranteeing results in every situaon.

High Resoluon Amphorous Silicon (ASi) Flat Panel

A high resoluon Amorphous silicon flat panel 3D sensor is used in the GiANO HR unit with a nave 16 bit grayscale which allows image acquision with 65,536 grey levels to get the most accurate 1:1 image without any compromise on quality.

ASi being the highest grade material, offers long life and negligible sensor deterioraon compared to its competors.

360° Scanning Technology

360° scans and opmised algorithms always ensure opmal outcome. This image acquision technique yields high quality images and considerably reduces arfacts, with short scan mes.

Virtual Control Panel

The acquision process is simple and intuive. The user receives step-by-step guidance via a virtual control panel (on PC or iPad), from the choice of examinaon to paent posioning and the start/execuon of the scan itself.


Dedicated tools to assist diagnosis and treatment plan.

All NewTom units are offered with the in-house NNT soware which is used for acquision, viewing & reporng purposes. With NNT, the user can store all types of data from RVG, OPG and CBCT in a single space for easy documentaon. NNT includes all the applicaons needed to execute the examinaon, process 2D/3D images and share them. A variety of work modes and funcons respond to the specific needs of implantology, endodoncs, periodoncs, maxillofacial surgery and radiology, allowing treatment to be planned aer full, accurate assessment of the case.


Dynamic high resoluon examinaon of the internal ear along non-orthogonal planes is essenal to diagnose any diseases of the ossicular chain, stape’s base, semicircular canals, cochlea and adjacent structures.

Implant Site Assessment

Bone density esmate in a potenal implant site, with Misch scale classificaon, to correctly plan treatment.

Gnathology: Dual TMJ Vision

Simultaneous view of both temporomandibular joints for symmetrical analysis and detecon of problems or dysfuncons deriving from joint diseases.

Airway Volume Analysis

Esmang the actual upper airway space is essenal to diagnose respiratory diseases and obstrucve sleep apnea (OSA).